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Bei den Servicenerds dreht sich alles um IT-Servicemanagement. Selbstverständlich beziehen sich vieles auf gängige Methoden und Rahmenwerke. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich darauf hinweisen, dass ich stets bemüht bin, keinerlei der geschützten Inhalte unrechtmäßig wiederzugeben. Folgende Marken und Warenzeichen können betroffen sein:
AXELOS Trademarks
- ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- M_o_R® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- MoP® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- MoV® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- MSP® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- P3O® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- P3M3® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- P3O® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- PRINCE2® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
- The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
Other Trademarks
- The APMG-International Agile Project Management and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- “APMP”, the APMP logo, and “Association of Proposal Management Professionals” are registered trademarks of the Association of Proposal Management professionals.
- ASL® is a Registered Trade Mark of ASL BiSL Foundation.
- The APMG-International Better Business Cases and Swirl Device logo is a registered trade mark of Her Majesty’s Treasury.
- The APMG-International Better Business Cases is a trade mark of Her Majesty’s Treasury.
- BiSL® is a Registered Trade Mark of ASL BiSL Foundation.
- CHAMPS2® is a Registered Trade Mark of Birmingham City Council.
- The APMG-International Change Analyst Swirl and Human Figure Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Change Management and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International CMDB and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- COBIT® is a trademark of ISACA® registered in the United States and other countries.
- DSDM, Atern and AgilePM are Registered Trade Marks of Dynamic Systems Development Method Limited.
- The APMG-International Earned Value and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Facilitation and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Finance for Non Financial Managers and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers, IAITAM, the IAITAM logo and iaitam.org are trademarks of the International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers, Inc. (“IAITAM, Inc.”), registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
- IAOP® is a Registered Trade Mark of IAOP.
- The APMG-International ISO/IEC 20000 and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International ISO/IEC 27001 and Swirl Device logo is a Trade Mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Lean IT and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Lean Six Sigma is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Lean Six Sigma Swirl and Multi-coloured Belt Device™ is a registered trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Managing Benefits and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG Maturity Index and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- OBASHI® is a Registered Trade Mark in the United Kingdom and other countries.
- OBASHI is a registered Trade Mark and is licensed to OBASHI Ltd.
- OBASHI and all other OBASHI Limited product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of OBASHI limited in the Uk and other countries.
- The APMG-International OBASHI and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International PPS and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Problem Analyst and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The SelfScan logo is a registered trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- SelfScan is a registered trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Service Catalogue and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Service Level Analyst Swirl and Human Figure Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.
- The APMG-International Sourcing and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited.